1.  Your "Score" on Halloween Night

2.  Tweet Like a Bird up in a tree

3.  Wear an Old Lady Thanksgiving Vest

4. Dry a Red, Green, and Yellow leaf by ironing under waxed paper

5.  Play a game of Pin the Beak on the Turkey

6.  Catch a frisbee at a distance of at least 20'  

7.  Video of a team member cleaning a cob of corn by using your teeth.  Corn on the cob MUST be raw and uncooked

8.  in the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown: What does Linus owe Sally?

9.  858-651-5050: Be prepared to anwser a question (1st try in 15 seconds gets a 500 pt Bonus.

10.  Smashing a Pumpkin with your foot

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Uke 2

Oktober 31 - November 6

18.  Dance in the Rain


19.  Make a homemade slingshot and use it to shoot a walnut at least 20'


20.  On a single page, Everyone on the team Makes a "Hand Turkey" like you did in KindyGarten. 


***BAD LIST***


1st team only to post a video on FB Group gets to send a team to Santas Bad List.


Make a shot from the freethrow line on a basketball court using a pumpkin (not a piece of a broken Pumpkin)


The Bonus is complete when you post a video of the a completed freethrow.

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11.  What's your teams Favorite Thanksgiving food (not turkey or Mashed Potatos or Corn or Stuffing)

12.  Eat a fried Bologna Sandwhich AKA Grandpa B style

13.  Wrap a Stop Sign Pole completely in Orange

14.  Put Out Your Cornacopia, Be creative but NO plastic food

15.  Make a four story house of cards, if there is any evidence of assistance (tape Glue leaning against a wall)...All Uke 2 points are lost.

16.  A PICTURE of someone stomping in a water puddle.

17.  Make a Thanksgiving Turkey out of a walnut or a rock

2. sju

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